Monday, June 20, 2005

Here is our globe willow tree. It is the biggest tree on the block. We planted it in the spring 7 years ago. Posted by Hello

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Treasure Hunting, Julie's Birthday and Other Fun Stuff

Hey Y'all,

We've realy jumped into summer with a splash. Spencer and I have a little "business" going. We haven't got an official name yet, but we often call it garbage to gold or trash to treasure. Since you can toss anything, anytime, out for trash in our neighborhood, there is always something of "value" laying out there for someone willing to do a little clean-up and/or fix-up. Iff you look toward the bottom of my blog, you'll see my new lawn mower. It cost me about 4 hours and a $10 carborator rebuild kit. Today, we scored on a nice rake, some wire mesh that I will use for a project coming up and the three things with pictures below. It is our intent to eventually start selling our "treasures" on ebay and craig's list. So..., keep your eyes peeled for a good deal on some great stuff!

It was 98 degrees today, the perfect day for Julie's backyard pool party! Lots of pictures follow. We had relay races, balloon tosses, slip'n sliding, swinging, splashing, squirting and lots more. Pizza and ice cream cones were the main course for lunch. Everyone had a great time!

Aaron and Katie Hastings are here for a few days while their mom is at girls camp. Lucky Diana!!!

This water cooler is my third favorite treasure find of the day. When I first plugged it in, it didn't come on. After about 5 minutes, I found the thermostat. I adjusted it down and immediately the cooler fired off. I am cooling some water right now and tracking it with my digital thermaprobe. Posted by Hello

My second favorite treasure of the day is this fine ladder with that fine lad atop. It is in much better shape than either of my other A-frame ladders. I can hardly believe someone simply tossed this! Posted by Hello

And my favorite treasure of the day!!! I wire brushed off the old reddish paint, tac clothed it clean and put a couple of fresh coats of green followed by a coat of laquer. In all, I spent about 3 hours and we have great new bench for the shady spot in the front yard. Posted by Hello

How hot does it need to be, in the shade... before you break down and go swimming??? or have a pool party in the back yard with a dozen 6 year old girls! Posted by Hello

Add 12 or so little girls, some water and what do you get??? A pool party! Posted by Hello

Here are the presents. Posted by Hello

Here are 125 water balloons ready to go! Posted by Hello

Here's an action shot at the slip and slide. Posted by Hello

Here's the big picture. Slip'n slide, baby pool, big pool, swing, climbing toy, water balloons, etc. Posted by Hello

Here is Julie jumping into the pool. Posted by Hello

Here are some of the kids on the swings. Posted by Hello

Here is the beginning of Julie's party. Spencer is putting on a juggling show for anyone who will watch... Posted by Hello

Here is Julie on her actual birthday. Notice her name spelled out in her cake! Posted by Hello

Here is Spencer and Julie on Spencer's Birthday. Spencer wanted an enire brownie for himself... Posted by Hello

Here are Carly and Julie in their matching outfits, ready for church. Posted by Hello

We had a great time at Doug and Diana's over the Memorial Day weekend! Here are some of the kids making some cards. Posted by Hello