Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Here's our Coyote Choir cutie pie after her day long field trip. Her choir went sining to several nursing homes & places of business. Posted by Hello

Here's Spencer, sporting his new b-day present, a set of weights and a bench! Posted by Hello

Saturday, May 07, 2005

Melanie is working full time for BYU this summer. Here she is at her "duck crossing" guard job! Posted by Hello

Here is Heather and a few of her close friends celebrating Heather's sweet 16 b-day:-) Posted by Hello

Enjoying a little cake and ice cream... Posted by Hello

Say CHEEEEEZE! Posted by Hello

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Heather needed a home made piece of furniture for one of her classes. I built this yesterday and did the final sanding today. All that is left is an opaque stain and a laquer finish. Posted by Hello

Here it is with the lid up. Posted by Hello

Here's my new lawn mower. It's a John Deere. It has all the bells and whistles. I mowed the lawn with it for the first time today. I bought my old machine in 1991. It is still running, but on it's last leg. So, when this great deal presented itself, I couldn't resist. See below Posted by Hello

Okay, so it is not exactly new, but, again, I got such a good deal on it and it is in such nice shape, I couldn't resist. Posted by Hello

It was FREE!!! I pulled it off someone's trash pile this morning! I bought a $10 dollar carborator rebuild kit, changed the oil and the air filter and cleaned the spark plug. It started on the first pull!! This was my kind of deal! Posted by Hello

Here are Brian and Dad, shining up Brian's new (to him) Mustang right before he took off for California. Posted by Hello